September Intentions & Bucket List


Can you believe it's already September?! Like WOAH. I keep thinking its still the beginning of August! This month is a super busy month for us as I will be gone the majority of the month and my company's biggest event of the year is next week! I am excited to be going back to California for most of September and the beginning of October so that I can hopefully catch a little bit of the "fall" feeling! There is no Fall in Hawaii and so I'm hoping to catch some colder weather while I'm back on the mainland! 

Because I know how crazy busy I am going to be over this next month, it was hard for me to think of specific intentions and a bucket list to focus on this month. I am a creature of habit and I love routine and so the fact that I won't have a routine for most of this month is kinda stressful for me! I'm trying to simplify my life in as many ways as I can right now and so most of my intentions and bucket list items go along with that theme! 

1. Focus on what's most important: I think a lot of times when I go back to the mainland, I try to fit in everything I possibly can during my visit and I'm just kinda over doing that. I'd rather focus on whats most important and that is spending time with my family, friends, and my local R+F team in the area. I really want to take out the clutter and just focus on what really matters this month and that is the amazing people in my life. 

2. Busy does not mean productive: I'm really trying to focus on a few important projects this month rather than a bunch of random projects. Writing my book has taught me that in order to do anything to its full potential, you have to create margin in your life. This month I am going to focus on being less busy but more intentional and mindful with how I am spending my time. My main priorities this month are to spend time with those I love, build my skincare business, and focus on finishing my book!

3. Quality over quantity: I feel like I'm a total broken record over here but, in all areas of my life, especially with my wardrobe, I am craving to simplify. I am craving to minimize my wardrobe even more than I already have. Recently I have been more and more drawn to the capsule wardrobe idea and so since I will be gone for about a month, I am going to try having a capsule wardrobe on my trip! Instead of packing as many things as I possibly can, I am going to be mindful about a few great pieces that I know I will wear many times on my trip. I'll be doing a packing capsule blog post soon and so stay-tuned for that! 

4. Meet a cast member from Southern Charm: I'm heading to Charleston later this month and so you better believe I'm going to be on the hunt to find cast members from my favorite show!

5. Try out 10 new coffee shops: In between Southern California, North Carolina, and South Carolina I am going to have so many cute coffee shops and cafe's I will want to try out! I think thats one of the things I am most looking forward to on this trip! hehe

6. Continue to Insta-fast one day a week. August was the first month that I tried this out and I absolutely loved it. Taking 24 hours off instagram was so rejuvenating for me since I pretty much spend my whole day on social media to work. I am definitely going to take this same habit into September and I may even do a longer Instagram fast too!

I would love to know what one of your intentions is for the month of September! Comment below what you are most looking forward to this month! 



August Bucket List & Intentions


Happy August! I can't believe the last month of the Summer is already here! Summer has gone by way too fast for me but I'd be lying to say that I wasn't excited for a new season. Fall is my absolute favorite season of the year! There's something about Fall that reminds me of new beginnings & possibilities. Okay, now I'm getting carried away... lets talk about August! 

I've decided to start a new series on the blog and share my "bucket list" and intentions each month! I wanted to call it a bucket list because I want to add things that make me go outside of my comfort zone and be intentional! I added some things to my list that I have wanted to do since I moved to Hawaii and so this month I am being intentional about making them happen! 

A big theme in August for me is intentional. I want to be intentional about my work, my possessions, my friends, my money, etc. This month I want to step back from the hustle, bustle, clutter, and noise to gain clarity and stay focused on my priorities. 

1. Log off all social media every Friday night to Saturday night

This is probably the most important intention I have this month. I LOVE social media but recently it has cluttered my mind and brought too much excess "noise" into my life. I have found that I am most creative when I have time to let my mind wander and so I am committing to a social media free 24 hours every week to give myself time to reflect! It may seem like nothing to you but for someone who works completely online, 24 hours away is HUGE! 

2. Read 30 minutes a day

One thing that I have slacked on in July is reading! I feel the most inspired when I am constantly reading and so I am committing to taking a work break and reading 30 minutes a day even if I have a million things on my to-do list! 

3. Snorkel at Sharks Cove

One thing that has been on my Hawaii list since I moved here is to snorkel at a popular free diving spot outside of Sharks Cove in North Shore Oahu! I'm determined to make it happen this month though because there are no waves this time of year so the water is perfect for snorkeling! 

4. Invest time into new friendships

I have made some amazing friends in our new home but there are still so many people I have met here that I would love to get to know better! This month I want to intentionally plan coffee dates and beach days to deepen friendships and get to know new friends better.

5. Buy Nothing

I would be lying to say that this won't be a hard one for me. If you know me, you know I love to shop! Since I am working on being more intentional with my possessions, I want to spend the month de-cluttering and minimizing things that don't bring me joy and so I am going to make it a goal to buy nothing as it comes to clothes, shoes, etc! The only exception to that will be when I host a Noonday trunk show for a friend later this month! ;)

6. Surf on the South side 

One of the things that my husband has been trying to get me to do since forever is to surf the South shore of Oahu. I have only surfed at one spot on North Shore and I am super timid to go surfing anywhere else! I know that I need to get out of my comfort zone and just DO IT, though, so I'm aiming to cross it off my list this month!

7. Eat greens in every meal

Eating leafy greens is SO important for your health and it's sometimes easy to go an entire day without those amazing nutrients! This month I am aiming to eat some type of leafy greens for each meal, every day. I plan to put spinach into my smoothies every morning and then add greens into salads at lunch and steamed for dinner. 

8. Create a Capsule Wardrobe

I have been watching and observing the capsule wardrobe life for years and have never tried it out myself! Since I am aiming to be more intentional in every area, I want to try out a capsule wardrobe and see what I think of it! Would you want me to write a blog post on my experience? Let me know in the comments! 

Thats it! Those are my intentions, goals, and bucket list experiences I want to accomplish in August! I want to encourage you to make your own bucket list & intentions! Share one of them in the comments below- I would love to know what you are aiming to focus on next month! 

