I've been reading so many "2018" blog posts recently talking about "new year, new me" and the "10 things to do in 2018" and I have found it all completely uninspiring. We are halfway through the first month of the year and I have spent more time reflecting than ever before on the direction my life is going in and if I'm happy with it. What I've found is that I'm more than happy with it. I'm thrilled. I'm ecstatic. Of course I have goals and intentions for the new year but this year it just feels different. My goals are less concrete and are based more on the way I feel. Am I doing something I am passionate about? Am I loving others? Am I doing work I'm proud of? Is the direction my brand inspiring and uplifting? Those are the things that matter to me this year.

It seems like for so long I was been searching for "my thing" to do in life. What I've found, though, is that "my thing" isn't out there for me to find. I am supposed to create it. I am creating it. I love health & wellness & helping people feel confident in their skin & encouraging other entrepreneurs. I also love taking pretty photographs, riding my bike at sunset, dropping all responsibilities for the day to be present, & the occasional glass of wine. My personal & professional life are completely interwoven. There is no balance. There was never meant to be balance. Somedays I work 10 hours. Somedays I leave my phone on airplane mode. I just decided to stop focusing on reaching this unreachable expectation I had put on myself for so long and start focusing on LIVING. It's been working out much better for me. 

I want to encourage you to stop trying to fit in a mold. Create your mold. Just do what you love & keep doing it! Don't stop. It will lead you to where you need to be eventually. 

Here's some photos from last weekend, on a beautiful boat, with beautiful friends, exploring our beautiful home. Some were taken on my iPhone and others were taken by my incredibly talented friend, Heather. 

Photo Jan 13, 11 20 54 AM_preview.jpeg
Photo Jan 13, 11 48 07 AM_preview.jpeg
Photo Jan 13, 11 42 17 AM_preview.jpeg
Photo Jan 13, 11 20 22 AM_preview.jpeg
Photo Jan 13, 1 54 30 PM_preview.jpeg
Photo Jan 13, 1 25 28 PM_preview.jpeg


So here's to 2018! May you live & love well!