I'm Starting A Book Club!!


Hey, friend! A couple weeks ago I asked on Instagram if anyone would want to start a monthly book club and I got an overwhelming response from you all saying that you would want to be apart of it! I am so excited to start this book club because I think it will be such a great way for us all to connect on a deeper level!

Reading has always been a passion of mine. I love the process of falling in love with a book until I can't put it down. I read many different genres of books and so this book club will also offer a ton of different varieties of books! 

In the poll I did on Instagram, the majority of you wanted to read Anxious For Nothing by Max Lucado and so that is the book we will be starting with in August! I actually just started reading this book and have been completely blown away by it. You may know this from my previous post, but I have struggled with anxiety a lot over the past year and this book perfectly explains how anxiety works and how we can overcome it by focusing on growing our relationship with God. Even though this book club isn't faith-based, the first book we will be going through is! 

I am so excited to kick this off with you all on August 1st!! 

Check list before we get started...

1. Join our Private FB Group!! We will use this group to connect, share, and have weekly live chats! 

2. Get the book! You can borrow it, buy it, listen to it, whatever you would like! I'm a hardcopy kinda gal and so I just bought my book from Amazon! 

3. Invite a friend!!! Once you've joined the FB group and ordered your book, invite a friend to read the book with you! 

My first FB Live chatting about chapter 1 will be on Thursday, August 2nd! Before then, grab your book and a friend and start reading Chapter 1! See you on the FB page!!!

