Homemade Chai Concentrate


Hello friends! I’m finally getting around to sharing one of my most requested recipes which is my CHAI CONCENTRATE!!!! (all the praise hands)

I love chai. It’s kind of a newer love to be honest. I used to be a huge coffee drinker but realized the caffeine didn’t make me feel too great so I have strictly been drinking only decaf over the last couple of years. When I got pregnant, I wanted a yummy iced drink but wasn’t feeling like coffee and so that’s when my chai obsession started!

Before we go any further, I need you to know that I am not into the powdery, sugary, ‘vanilla chai’ situation. I’m into the real, authentic, just-came-from-India, spicy chai. The spices I use to make my chai concentrate are actually beneficial for you (fresh ginger & cloves both have immune building properties) and it’s naturally sweetened with raw honey. I do use real black tea in my recipe so it’s not caffeine free but i’ve found that the caffeine from black tea doesn’t affect me like coffee does. You can use any type of milk with this concentrate but I prefer Milkadamia (Mac-nut milk) or almond milk! I usually make 1 batch of chai concentrate and it lasts me all week (I drink 1-2 chai lattes a day- hehe) but the concentrate will last in your fridge for up to two week! To make a chai from your concentrate you simply use 1/2 part concentrate and 1/2 part milk. Let’s get into the recipe!

Oh PS- I buy all the ingredients on Mountain Rose Herbs but they are currently not taking any online orders because of Covid-19 and so I will try liking the same ingredients from Amazon down below!


8 cardamom pods

2 cinnamon sticks

1 inch of fresh ginger grated or chopped

10 whole cloves

1 tsp black peppercorns

2 tbs raw honey

36oz water

6 tea bags (or 2 Tbs) black tea- I use Darjeeling tea


-Combine all spices in a large sauce pan and smash them with a spoon or other utensil (this lets the spices steep in more deeply)

-Add water and bring to a boil

-Once the water is boiling, lower to a simmer and simmer for at least 1 hour

-After an hour, turn off the heat and add in the black tea and raw honey

-Let black tea steep for 5-10 minutes then remove tea bags

-Once cool, transfer to a little glass jar and store in the fridge (for up to two weeks)

-When you want to make a chai, simply combine 1/2 part chai and 1/2 part milk of choice. You can make this either hot or iced!

Enjoy friends!


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