A note on May

Hi friends! Happy May!

How are you doing?! I feel a sense of hope and excitement for this upcoming month. Even though I know it’s a long road ahead with tackling Covid-19, i’m feeling hopeful as some businesses begin to open again, and life is slowly inching itself back to normal-ish. Lately, i’ve been thinking a lot about how ‘normal’ is probably a thing of the past. Yes, things will open again and people will go back to living life as usual but I can’t help but wonder if i’ll ever go out in a large crowd and not feel somewhat paranoid. Will we all continue to wear masks? Will travel always be worrisome? How long with the virus we around? I think to some degree, nothing will ever be truly ‘normal’ again. We will create a new normal and that’s okay.

As ‘Quarantine Season’ starts to dissipate, I don’t want to lose all the new rituals and routines i’ve created during it that bring me so much joy. I want to continue to eat mostly at home and bake gluten free sourdough bread. I want to continue to read books and immerse myself in everything that lights my soul on fire. For so many years I idolized work, success, accomplishment, and a finished to-do list. In this season I want to continue to pursue rest. I’m learning to BE and it’s been the most beautiful journey so far.

This month, specifically, I want to continue get outside as much as possible and hike and swim with my family. The weather is so beautiful this time of year and so I plan to spend time in nature every single day. I also plan to read a couple of novels. I often switch back and forth between novels and non-fiction and i’m on a novel kick these days. You can find all my favorite reads on my Amazon Shop!

I’m also stepping up my wellness routine this month because I just ordered a portable sauna!!!!!!!! I’ve been a sauna lover for years and have really been missing it since the gyms have closed. I started researching the best and most cost-effective portable sauna’s and i’m so excited about the one I picked out.

I’m also adding to gua sha to my beauty arsenal and I just ordered a jade roller and paddle to add into my nightly beauty routine. I’ll probably post a tutorial on my insta stories so stay tuned for that!

Currently inspired by these…

Whatever May brings you way, I hope you choose to see the positive. I hope you flourish and bloom where you are planted. Let’s all continue to use this time to focus on what’s really important and not lose sight of it.

Happy May!