Golden Mylk Recipe

Hi friends! I hope you all are having a good start to your week. Just another week of quarantine! For the most part I have been loving this extra simple time at home but I am ready to be able to goto the beach again. I don’t know about you, but i’m definitely feeling the collective stress from all of this coronavirus craziness. As much as i’ve been trying to stay calm and focus on the present, it’s hard knowing that so many people are suffering out there. I’ve been having a harder time falling asleep recently and so I started making this golden mylk every night and it has been helping calm my mind and fall asleep faster! Traditional golden mylk combines milk, turmeric, and ginger to make a soothing milk that is known to boost immunity and ease digestion. I add raw honey, chamomile flowers, and ashwagandha to mine to add even further healing elements. Chamomile is known to be calming to the nervous and ashwagandha is an adaptogen that helps the body in times of stress. Ashwagandha is also known to be a powerful hormone balancer.

I make enough golden mylk at one time to last me about three days. I now look forward to this comforting drink every night! I hope you like it!


3 cups nut milk of choice

1 1/2 tsp ground Turmeric

1 inch ginger root grated

1 Tbs chamomile flowers (or two bags of chamomile tea)

1/2 tsp salt

1 Tbs raw honey

1 tsp Ashwagandha

Dash of cinnamon


  • add all ingredients to a sauce pan and simmer for 15 minutes

  • drain the liquid to remove the spices

  • pour desired amount into a mug and add a dash of cinnamon on top

  • save the rest in the fridge for up to three days

Let me know what you think of it!!!

Let me know what you think of it!!!

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