Five Fall Favorites


It’s officially Fall! As i’m writing this, I’m working with the sound of rain on my windows, my calming fall playlist, and my favorite fall candle! I was putting together tomorrow’s e-mail that i’m sending out and I got inspired to share a few of my favorite things for Fall! I’m a sucker for pumpkin spice EVERYTHING and I love nothing more than cozy rainy days in my favorite sweater & a good book! Even though it’s not technically cold here in Hawaii, we have had a few rainy days and so i’ll take all the fall vibes I can get!

Here’s some of my current faves…

1. Fall Candle: i’m just going to go ahead and toot my own horn here, i’m pretty much a fall candle connoisseur. I've tried allllll the candles. I’ve tried the target Fall candles, super expensive fall candles, and everything in between and I think I have finally found the perfect fall scent! Pumpkin Clove from Cabri Blue! I picked this candle up on my trip in CA and from the moment I first smelled it, I just knew. It was love at first site. What I love most about it is that its the only good quality, amazing smelling candle i’ve gotten that doesn’t break the bank! It’s only $14! I’m probably going to go through five of these before the season is up but I don’t mind. It instantly makes my home feel cozy & warm! (PS- I added the two other scents i’ve been burning recently too!)

2. Book for rainy days: When I was thinking of the perfect Fall read, I instantly thought of this book that I read a few months back when we were in Alaska. Magic Hour by Kristin Hannah is one of my all-time favorite novels i’ve ever read. It takes place in the Pacific Northwest in one of the rainiest climates in the world and its a beautiful story about family, love, and redemption with also a little piece of mystery. It’s the ultimate book I think of when I think of cozy rainy days reading on the couch. Enjoy it!

3. Cozy Sweater: Even though I haven’t been able to wear very many cozy sweaters this season, i’m still dreaming of them! I have a few waiting in my closet for the perfect chilly day here in Hawaii. Here’s a few sweaters i’ve been crushing on recently!

4. Fall Playlist: I’ve shared my fall playlist before but I’ve added a few songs to it since last time I shared! Here’s the new version. :)

5. Face Mask: I have been crushing on this mask since it launched about a month ago! I hadn’t purchased it yet because I was traveling for the past month and knew that I wouldn’t be having any spa nights while in CA. I just placed my order for this, though, and I CANNOT WAIT to get it! I am a fan of everything Summer Friday’s has ever put out and I know I will love this mask too!

What are some of your favorite products for Fall?!

xo, Lo

September Intentions & Bucket List


Can you believe it's already September?! Like WOAH. I keep thinking its still the beginning of August! This month is a super busy month for us as I will be gone the majority of the month and my company's biggest event of the year is next week! I am excited to be going back to California for most of September and the beginning of October so that I can hopefully catch a little bit of the "fall" feeling! There is no Fall in Hawaii and so I'm hoping to catch some colder weather while I'm back on the mainland! 

Because I know how crazy busy I am going to be over this next month, it was hard for me to think of specific intentions and a bucket list to focus on this month. I am a creature of habit and I love routine and so the fact that I won't have a routine for most of this month is kinda stressful for me! I'm trying to simplify my life in as many ways as I can right now and so most of my intentions and bucket list items go along with that theme! 

1. Focus on what's most important: I think a lot of times when I go back to the mainland, I try to fit in everything I possibly can during my visit and I'm just kinda over doing that. I'd rather focus on whats most important and that is spending time with my family, friends, and my local R+F team in the area. I really want to take out the clutter and just focus on what really matters this month and that is the amazing people in my life. 

2. Busy does not mean productive: I'm really trying to focus on a few important projects this month rather than a bunch of random projects. Writing my book has taught me that in order to do anything to its full potential, you have to create margin in your life. This month I am going to focus on being less busy but more intentional and mindful with how I am spending my time. My main priorities this month are to spend time with those I love, build my skincare business, and focus on finishing my book!

3. Quality over quantity: I feel like I'm a total broken record over here but, in all areas of my life, especially with my wardrobe, I am craving to simplify. I am craving to minimize my wardrobe even more than I already have. Recently I have been more and more drawn to the capsule wardrobe idea and so since I will be gone for about a month, I am going to try having a capsule wardrobe on my trip! Instead of packing as many things as I possibly can, I am going to be mindful about a few great pieces that I know I will wear many times on my trip. I'll be doing a packing capsule blog post soon and so stay-tuned for that! 

4. Meet a cast member from Southern Charm: I'm heading to Charleston later this month and so you better believe I'm going to be on the hunt to find cast members from my favorite show!

5. Try out 10 new coffee shops: In between Southern California, North Carolina, and South Carolina I am going to have so many cute coffee shops and cafe's I will want to try out! I think thats one of the things I am most looking forward to on this trip! hehe

6. Continue to Insta-fast one day a week. August was the first month that I tried this out and I absolutely loved it. Taking 24 hours off instagram was so rejuvenating for me since I pretty much spend my whole day on social media to work. I am definitely going to take this same habit into September and I may even do a longer Instagram fast too!

I would love to know what one of your intentions is for the month of September! Comment below what you are most looking forward to this month! 



Fall Playlist & Current Favorites


Okay so I know it's not Fall quite yet but I have been loving all things Fall lately and wanted to share! This Summer has been amazing in so many ways but I'm really excited about the changing of seasons. Even though the weather doesn't change much in Hawaii, there is just an excitement about Fall that I love. I love that people are getting back into routine and we are also gearing up for holiday season!

There's a lot coming up for me in this upcoming season! I will be traveling to the mainland, island hopping, launching a full-length e-book, and my skincare business will be launching a new product! 

I created a Fall playlist that encompasses all of those emotions. It's moody and intentional but there are also some up-beat songs reflected in there too. My Spotify Playlists are always changing too as I find more songs I love and so feel free to follow me on Spotify if we have similar tastes in music! 


Things I'm currently loving:

What I'm currently reading...

I read this beginning of this book at Barnes & Noble the other day and couldn't put it down! If you are into modern day novels with real-life issues, you will love this! 

What I'm currently eating...

This pizza crust is my favorite, ever! It's made with almond flour and so it is much healthier than most other gluten-free pizza crusts and it still tastes sooo good.

What I'm currently wanting:

I saw this on Amazon the other day and just thought it was so stinken cute! A pineapple essential oil diffuser?! um yes, please. 

My new pillows for my couch and I am LOVING...

I just got these a couple weeks ago and have already gotten so many compliments on them! I also think that the price is so reasonable and the quality is amazing! 

What I'm currently smelling...

I'm starting the Fall candles early this year. This is my favorite Fall scent of all time! 

I know this post is so so random but I thought I would just do a little update and share some of my favorite things! Do you like these types of posts?? Let me know!!

Have an amazing week!

