Fall Playlist & Current Favorites


Okay so I know it's not Fall quite yet but I have been loving all things Fall lately and wanted to share! This Summer has been amazing in so many ways but I'm really excited about the changing of seasons. Even though the weather doesn't change much in Hawaii, there is just an excitement about Fall that I love. I love that people are getting back into routine and we are also gearing up for holiday season!

There's a lot coming up for me in this upcoming season! I will be traveling to the mainland, island hopping, launching a full-length e-book, and my skincare business will be launching a new product! 

I created a Fall playlist that encompasses all of those emotions. It's moody and intentional but there are also some up-beat songs reflected in there too. My Spotify Playlists are always changing too as I find more songs I love and so feel free to follow me on Spotify if we have similar tastes in music! 


Things I'm currently loving:

What I'm currently reading...

I read this beginning of this book at Barnes & Noble the other day and couldn't put it down! If you are into modern day novels with real-life issues, you will love this! 

What I'm currently eating...

This pizza crust is my favorite, ever! It's made with almond flour and so it is much healthier than most other gluten-free pizza crusts and it still tastes sooo good.

What I'm currently wanting:

I saw this on Amazon the other day and just thought it was so stinken cute! A pineapple essential oil diffuser?! um yes, please. 

My new pillows for my couch and I am LOVING...

I just got these a couple weeks ago and have already gotten so many compliments on them! I also think that the price is so reasonable and the quality is amazing! 

What I'm currently smelling...

I'm starting the Fall candles early this year. This is my favorite Fall scent of all time! 

I know this post is so so random but I thought I would just do a little update and share some of my favorite things! Do you like these types of posts?? Let me know!!

Have an amazing week!

