20 Ways to Live Well in 2020

Think about 5 things you are grateful for immediately after you wake up

Drink lemon water first thing in the morning

Let go of toxic people no matter how close you have been to them in the past

Take a probiotic

Don’t lose sight of your goals

Make personal development a priority

Sign off social media for at least 24 hours once a week

less screen time, more time in books

protect your eyes and get yourself some blue-blocking glasses

Drink a smoothie for breakfast every morning

Get rid of one thing each day that no longer serves you

Start a meditation practice, and do it daily!

Reflect weekly on your goals and stay the course

Make time for your girlfriends

Drink that second glass of wine

Go off dairy for 30 days

Start a new hobby for no other reason than it brings you joy

Drink at least 1/2 a gallon of water each day- I love this bottle to track your progress

Spend time journaling

Move your body EVERY day

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