Recipe: Easy Matcha Latte

I have been getting requests to give my matcha latte recipe for months and months and I have always hesitated because it is so easy to make!! There are also sooo many recipes out there to follow but since so many of you asked, here it is!! 

This may sound silly but my morning matcha latte actually gets me excited for the day! There's something about sipping a bright & colorful warm beverage of superfoods while looking over my calendar for the day. 

My Matcha includes only four ingredients and it is so simple to make! Not only that, it is nutrient-dense with antioxidants from the matcha tea, healthy fats from the coconut butter, and a ton of essential amino acids from the collagen peptide powder! Since I don't eat breakfast until about 10 or 10:30 am, my matcha latte fills me up the entire morning! 

I also use coconut butter and collagen peptides in all of my smoothies and so if you invest into those ingredients, you will be able to use them for more than just your matcha latte! 



-1 tsp Organic Matcha Powder

-1 tbs Coconut Butter

-1 scoop Collagen Peptides

-1 tsp Raw honey 


How to Make:

- Boil water to boiling and then let sit for 2 minutes in your mug

-Pour water into blender (make sure the blender can handle hot liquids) 

-Add all ingredients

-Blend on high for 30 seconds



Let me know what you think of it!!

Live well,



Products Mentioned:

My Must-have Health Food items from Amazon



I'm often mentioning new products I'm using on my Instagram and am always asked where they are from and so I thought I would compile a list of all my favorites! These are my tried & true must have health food and supplement items. I use most of them on the daily or weekly basis and I add them in many different recipes! Stay-tuned, I have many more recipes using these items that will be posted soon! 

for smoothies, cooking, baking, or whatever else your heart desires! 

Vital proteins collagen peptides is my favorite to put in ALL my smoothies! Collagen peptides helps heal your gut, aids in digestion, and is a hair, skin, and nails supplement! You can't taste it but it adds so many nutrients to your daily smoothie. You can even put it in your coffee or matcha in the mornings! 

COCONUT BUTTER!!! AKA my favorite thing, ever. Coconut butter is better than coconut oil because it also contains the coconut meat. This is a great supplement to add to your coffee, smoothies, sandwiches, desserts, or just eat it by the spoonful! yum. 

Cacao nibs are a stable of my every day diet.. what can I say, I love chocolate! I love raw cacao because its adds a crunch to oatmeal, a decadence to smoothies, and is full of antioxidants! I gave two size options for you but I get the Anthony's brand and buy them in bulk because I got through a bag pretty fast! 

I always make sure I have turmeric on hand because it is such a powerful spice and supplement! Turmeric is amazing for getting rid of inflammation and It also is a great sleep aid! Put a 1/4 teaspoon of this with some warm coconut milk and cinnamon and drink it right before bed. So comforting! 

Ashwagandha is my favorite adaptogen of all time and I add it to everything! Ashwagandha is an herb that has been noted to heal hormone imbalances, calm stress and anxiety, and giving natural energy. If you were to try out any adaptogen, I highly recommend trying out this one! 

A matcha tea a day keeps the good health here to stay... Honestly though, try to swap out coffee one day a week for a matcha latte and you will notice a difference! 

I hope you find this helpful! I have no doubt that adding these superfoods to your pantry will have huge health benefits for you! Feel free to reach out with any questions on how to use them! 
