The Story Behind Live Well With Lo: Change the World by Loving Yourself

This is the very short-version of my journey into wellness and self-care. These ideas, stories, experiences, and so much more will be in my upcoming book coming soon…


Growing up, I was raised with the idea that I must put myself last in everything I do. Whether it was a goal, a dream, or an idea for dinner, I needed to put myself last in order to elevate other people. I grew up to be selfless in every aspect that I oftentimes would do things and not even realize that I was simply doing what I thought others would want me to do, not what I felt in my heart that I needed to do.

Self-Love has been such a foreign concept to me, it’s honestly hard for me to write about. I still believe that being selfless is such an amazing quality and I believe that selflessness is an important character trait to posses. That being said, I have learned that when you love yourself and make your well-being a priority, you can serve other’s in such a better capacity! I’ve learned that in order to serve others in a truly selfless way, you need to love yourself first.

When I lived my life based on other people’s opinions or desires, I never felt truly fulfilled. I felt like I was just going through the motions of life and I never felt inspired or motivated. I felt that having personal dreams and goals was selfish and so I opted to live small. I did what I felt I should do instead of what I felt called to do for the sake of selflessness. When you live your life like that, you aren’t truly benefitting anyone.

I believe that when you live into the calling and passion you feel on your life, you can serve others in a way you wouldn’t be able to otherwise. I also believe that this is true when it comes to self-care as well. I spent many years of my life going from obligation to obligation and keeping myself busy for the sake of being busy because I thought that if I spent all of my time serving others, I would be enough. I gave everyone else 100% of me and I gave myself 0%. That led me to a place where I was so run down that my body couldn’t take it anymore. I got really sick. I spent so many years of my life so stressed out and in service to others, my body just turned off. (I talk much more about this in my upcoming book.)

When I got sick, I was forced to take care of myself in a way I never had. There was no other option. I could either live how I was living and continue to get more sick, or I could change my lifestyle. I realized that I needed to put the oxygen mask on myself before I could continue helping others.

I learned a lot of lessons during that time but even though that season was dark and scary and full of bad days, I found myself in a new way. Since I was forced to slow down and say “no” to pretty much everything that was non-essential in my life, I realized past passions that had been tucked away. I dove headfirst into wellness and I haven’t looked back since.

When I started to feel better about a year later, I realized that I needed to shift my mindset and the priorities that I had carried with me for so long. I slowly began to re-shape my thinking until I truly believed that It is NOT selfish to take care of yourself. It is NOT selfish to make your well-being of utmost priority. I learned that nobody else is going to take care of you if you don’t take care of yourself.

As I started on this new journey to wellness and self-care, I began to see a passion stir up inside me. I knew that other people struggled with the same ideas on self-care that I used to have. I knew that other people were struggling and living on empty and I suddenly became extremely passionate about sharing my ideas on self-care and wellness with the world. That is how Live Well With Lo was created.

Since wellness and self-care is such a huge priority to me now, I have re-framed my thinking on the word “selfish”. Because of how I live my life now, I have been able to serve and love others in a way I never thought possible. I truly believe I am a better wife, friend, daughter, and business women because I make myself a priority and treat myself with the same love and respect I would give anyone else.

When you treat yourself like you would treat others, you begin to blossom in a way you never thought possible. When you take care of your mind, body, & soul, you are able to serve and love others in a way that comes from true love and joy. I truly believe that if we want to change the world, it starts with US. It starts with YOU. Put on your oxygen mask, girl, and don’t you ever ever be sorry for it!!!!



Easy Dinner Recipe: The Loaded Salad

I get asked almost weekly about healthy dinner options that are easy and simple to make. The Loaded Salad is just that. It's the easiest dinner to make, its full of nutrients, and tastes like a gourmet salad you would get at a fancy restaurant! It's on my weekly dinner rotation over here and I'm sure it will be on yours too once you realize how easy it is to prepare! 

The secret to this recipe is that you can customize it in any way you'd like! You can add more veggies, different seasonings, beans, meat, etc. I always add sautéed zucchini to mine though because cooking zucchini in onion, garlic, avocado oil, and spices makes the tastiest "dressing" to put on top of the mixed greens. 

I am excited to see how you customize your own Loaded Salad! Here's how I make mine...

The Loaded Salad


1 cup brown rice (I use basmati)

2 cups chicken stock, bone broth,or veggie broth

1 tablespoon ghee or butter

2 zucchinis 

4 garlic cloves

1 small onion

mixed greens

1 lemon or lime

1 teaspoon Turmeric

1 teaspoon Cumin

1/2 teaspoon Coriander

1/2 teaspoon Paprika

1/2 teaspoon chili powder and/or flakes

1/2 teaspoon sea salt

1/2 teaspoon pepper

& Any other spices you'd like to add!

*1/4 cup freshly chopped cilantro & parsley (optional)




-In a medium saucepan, bring 1 cup of brown rice, 2 cups broth, and 1 tablespoon of ghee to a boil

-Add in two cloves of chopped garlic to rice, cover, and cook on low for 20 minutes


-Add two tablespoons of avocado oil to a large skillet and heat on high

-Stir in two cloves of chopped garlic and a small onion and cook until onion turns translucent

-Add chopped zucchini to skillet and cook on medium, stirring frequently

-Add all remaining spices to skillet (turmeric, cumin, coriander, chili powder, salt, pepper, etc)

-Cook until zucchini is soft (about 10 minutes)

*Add zucchini mixture to garlic rice and mixed greens! Squeeze half of a lemon or lime on top and voila! 

Share below any modifications you made! I can't wait to see how you make your loaded salad!!



Intentional Living


Something that I have really tried to focus on recently is living intentionally in all areas of life.  The past six months have been a busy whirlwind of travels, events, business growth, and new projects but lately have been feeling the urge to step back and really think about what my values are, what is most important, and how I can spend my time not just crossing things off my to-do list but actually focusing intentionally on the few things that matter most. 

It's funny that I picked today to write this post because I am actually in the process of preparing for a hurricane to hit the Hawaiian Islands later this week! There's nothing like preparing for a natural disaster to make yourself focus on the things that truly matter the most. 

Intentional living can truly have so many different meanings. For some people it has to do with finances and possessions and for others it relates to goals and ideals. For me, its a little bit of both. 

This month I spent some time going through my closet and getting rid of a ton of clothing items that I wasn't in love with. There have been so many times where I have purchased something just for a specific event or just because it was "trendy" and everyone was wearing it only to realize that I don't actually love it. This month I have really been trying to hone in on what my personal style truly is and so I can avoid those types of purchases and only get things I really love and will wear over and over again. 

I also have been keeping track on how I spend my time and I've been trying to be really intentional about what I say yes to and what I say no to. I really been trying to distinguish the difference between my strongest desires with my deepest desires. 

Your strongest desires are the things on your to-do list, the stuff you feel pressure to get done and the responsibilities on your plate. My strongest desires are cleaning, cooking, housework, social media, managing my skincare team, etc.

Your deepest desires are the things that truly light you up inside but oftentimes get put on the back burner. My deepest desires are writing, empowering female entrepreneurs, working one on one to help people find solutions for their skin, reading, etc. 

Most days it is so hard for me to distinguish between my desires. Oftentimes, my to-do list wins over my deepest desires. I'm trying to be really intentional about this, though, and focusing on how I can incorporate my deepest desires In every day life. 

Lastly, I want to live intentionally with how present I am. I am scatter-brained about 99% of the time and there's always a million ideas swirling through my head. I really want to focus on being more in the moment and present with the people I am with. I have been focussing on putting my phone down more and really being present. here. right now. 

I would love to know your thoughts on intentional living and how you try to live intentionally in your daily life! What is an area that you are aiming to be more intentional in? 



Recipe: Beet Berry Smoothie

I am a creature of habit when it comes to my daily smoothies but I've been experimenting with some different ingredients and wanted to share! I've been researching foods that are good for liver function since I have been trying to balance my hormones naturally and one of the best foods to help liver function are beets! Beets are bright red and don't have much flavor but they have a ton of nutrients! I picked up some beets from the farmers market a few weeks ago and I washed & cut them in small pieces and put them in the freezer! Adding beets to your morning smoothie won't only turn your smoothie the pretty shade of purple but you are also adding amazing nutrients and plant enzymes into your diet!! 



Beet Berry Smoothie

- 1 beet

-3-4 strawberries

-handful of blueberries

-handful of spinach

-1 tablespoon coconut butter

-2 scoops of collagen peptide powder

-1 tablespoon cacao nibs

-1 tablespoon flaxseed

*Blend & enjoy!!!




Ingredients Mentioned:


Wellness tip: Drink Water!

When it comes to healthy living, it seems like there are always new fads and trends that are coming out about the next best thing to keep you healthy. Today, I want to keep it simple and talk about the OG of healthy living… WATER. 




We are made of water. Our bodies are 80% water and we are constantly recycling that water by sweating, going to the restroom, and then drinking water to replenish it. Drinking an abundance of water is so crucial to overall health and well-being.


Water affects EVERYTHING. It affects our mood, appetite, energy, digestion, elimination, and detoxification. If we don’t drink enough water we can’t expect our bodies to function properly. Even worse, if we spend prolonged periods of time dehydrated, chronic health conditions can occur which can cause damage to the organs.


I was never a huge water drinker, but over the years I have trained myself to be really intentional about my water intake, especially when traveling, sick, or after a workout. 


I have seen huge improvements in my health since I have been drinking more water. I try to drink 75 ounces of water a day which is about 2 ½ fillings of my 32oz Hydroflask.  When I am hydrated, my head is clear, I feel energized, and my digestion is so much better. 


Some water rituals I live by:

-Drink 16 ounces of water as soon as you wake up in the morning

-Drink 32 ounces of water before any coffee/ tea/ breakfast

-Drink a large glass of water 30 minutes before every meal

-Drink room temperature water. Room temperature water is easier for your body to process since it is closer to your body’s natural temperature. For some people, cold water can give them a stomach ache. 

-Skip the fancy drinks at restaurants and drink…. Take a guess… WATER!

-Try to avoid plastic water bottles at all cost. Plastic water bottles can leak toxic chemicals into the water

Drinking water isn't a quick fix, but it is a lifestyle modification that will truly have a lasting impact on your health! 

Recently, I invested into the Berkey water filter system and I AM OBSSESED! The Berkey filter safely removes all the harmful chemicals and additives in tap water but also replenishing the water with minerals. It’s definitely an investment but if you are a health and water-freak like me, you might want to consider checking it out! 

Okay that’s officially all I know about water! I hope you found this helpful and I challenge you to go drink a big glass of water right now! ;) 

xo, Lo

