The Summer I Didn't Sleep: My Journey through Anxiety


*Disclaimer: This is my unique story with anxiety and how I treated it. I am not writing this to give medical advice or recommend a certain treatment plan. I am simply sharing what I did to help heal my body and overcome anxiety. 

It' been a full year since I experienced one of the hardest seasons of life I have ever been through. A full year since I thought my body was failing me. I know this may sound dramatic but I truly felt like I was dying. It's something I have kept to myself for the most part, no one could understand. I went to multiple doctors, counselors, and good friends and even though I got great wisdom & guidance, no one could truly help me. It's weird to write about because it's still something I have no explanation for. I still don't quite know exactly why I went through it or what lessons have come out of it, but at least I'm starting to process it. 

It started last May. I remember the exact day. Danny was gone for training (he was gone basically that whole Summer) I had friends visiting Oahu and I had spent the day with them at Waimea Bay. It was a normal, Summer day in Hawaii until I got home and it hit me. I started feeling clammy and dizzy. I thought I was dehydrated and so I drank a ton of water and laid down. About an hour later I was feeling even worse. I had this dooming fear that if I stood up, I would pass out. My heart was beating outside of my chest and it felt hard to breathe. I didn't know it then, but now I know, that was the first time I experienced a true panic attack. 

From that day forward, everyday seemed to get worse. It started with one panic attack a day, then three, then up to five, and then eventually, all day long I would experience panic symptoms and I stopped sleeping at night. I have never had troubles falling asleep in the past and so not being able to fall sleep was a new thing for me. I would get ready for bed, lay down, doze off, and as soon as I would doze off a bit and my body relaxed, I would get an adrenaline rush and the panic symptoms would come back. There was truly no rhyme or reason for it. I did not feel stressed. It would just come up out of nowhere. The entire night would be a constant struggle of trying to relax and then an adrenaline rush would hit me and it turned into a vicious cycle of sleeplessness and crippling anxiety. I was home alone for the most part because Danny was away at training and since I physically felt pain during these attacks, I was even more anxious being by myself.

I would love to tell you that this went on for only a short time and I found my anxiety triggers and overcame them quickly, but this was my life for seven long months. I could not sleep at night for SEVEN MONTHS. it didn't matter if I was at home in Hawaii or back in California I. could. not. Sleep. I felt like a crazy person. I was afraid to leave my house because I never knew when a panic attack would kick in. I got sick all the time because my immune system was so compromised from no sleep. I had to miss the bachelorette party of one of my best friends because of this. The worst part was, my husband Danny had army training pretty much throughout this entire season and so not only could he not be there for me, he didn't even know it was happening. 

During this time, I had a list of people who I would call/text at night at 1, 2, even 3am when I couldn't sleep. On an average night, after going to bed at 10pm, I would be able to finally fall asleep around 2am. Thinking of these sweet friends and mentors who were there for me and constantly checked in on me brings me to tears. Looking back, I don't know how I would have gotten through this without them. I am blessed with the most amazing people in my life and even though no one could understand why this was happening, they sat with me in the trenches.

I am sharing all of this not to bring attention to myself or have a pity party. I am sharing this because sometimes in life, bad things happen and you have no explanation for them. Sometimes horrible things come up, and there is no logical answer as to WHY. During this season in my life, I couldn't figure out why it was happening.. I was eating healthy for the most part, there were no HUGE stressors on my life (except my husband being gone, which actually is a huge life stressor that I didn't realize at the time) and I don’t have a particularly stressful job or life and so I couldn't comprehend how this anxiety could be so bad.

After experiencing what I did, I 100% agree that there are hormone imbalances in the brain and some people need professional guidance and medicine to help them keep balance. I also believe whole-heartedly that God is in control and he could have taken this pain away from me. That being said, there seemed to be no amount of praying that could be done to pray my anxiety away. It wasn't going anywhere. I was offered sleeping pills, anti-depressants, etc. and for me personally, I knew that my anxiety was a deep-rooted issue and I wanted to get to the bottom of it, holistically. 

*Before I share what I did to help balance out my hormones, I want to share a disclaimer that I still to the day don't know WHY I went through this. It's something I struggle with every day. Yes, I changed my eating and supplements and rested and did ALL THE THINGS and eventually the anxiety became less crippling, but I still do not know what initially caused it. THAT is what I want to talk about in this post because I think we all have things that happen in life that we can't explain, comprehend, or reason with. If you are in a season like that, I want you to know, you are not alone.

I'm not sure why God had me go through this season but I have sure learned a lot of healthy coping mechanisms that I can use now to calm myself down when a bout of anxiety hits.  Here's what helped me...

1. Routine:  Sticking to a routine, especially at night, helped me calm down my system. During this season, I was so overstimulated that even watching TV or going to the movies would make my body panic (again, I have no clue why) and so for me I knew that I couldn't go out at night and I needed to spend time every night drinking herbal tea, reading and journaling. I journaled ALOT during this season. 

2. Diet: At the time of all of this, I had added gluten back into my diet, which I knew my body wasn't happy with but I tried to reason my way through still eating it. It was when I fully took gluten out of my diet again that I started to feel back to normal. How crazy Is that! I also took out most sugar and limited grains. I am still eating this way and I feel SO good! 

3. Gut Health: This was HUGE for me. From doing some testing, I realized my gut was not healthy and had candida and bacteria overgrowth. Your gut produces your mood hormones! Did you know that?! So through diet and supplements I worked on cleaning up my gut. 

5. Herbal Supplements: One of the things that gave me immediate support and helped me sleep was a homeopathic remedy that my naturopathic doctor recommended for me. It worked WONDERS in calming down my immune system. I couldn’t sleep without taking this for seven months. Even though I didn’t like the idea of having to take something to calm me down, I knew I needed to sleep and I knew that this would help me heal. It's called Relax Tone and I will link it down below! I also drank LOTS of herbal teal; bedtime tea, chamomile, and rooibos are my favorites. 

6. Adaptogens: Ashwagandha is known to help with regulating hormones and so I put a 1/2 teaspoon in my smoothie every morning and I definitely noticed a huge difference! I still put Ashwagandha in my smoothies a couple times a week and I swear, it helps me feel so much more balanced.

7. Setting boundaries: During this season in my life, I had to say "No" a lot. It took pretty much everything I had inside of me to be a wife and run my business. I wasn't a great friend during that time and I didn't have energy to do much at all. The only way I can describe how I felt was that it I felt like I had a radio on LOUD in my head all the time. My thoughts would race, my thinking would be muddled, and I couldn't focus on anything with all the static going on in my head. I stayed home a lot and journaled, prayed, and read. 

8. A Strong Community: During this season more than ever, I really needed people to encourage me & stay in the trenches with me. A few friends really stepped up the plate and covered me in prayer. Even though they couldn't understand, they were there, and that meant the world to me. 

Slowly, month after month, I begin to heal. Danny came home from his crazy season of work travel and I got really good at self-care. Again, there was no true rhyme or reason of why I got better but slowly it was getting easier to fall asleep at night and the anxiety during the day slowly faded as well. As I made lifestyle changes, I think my hormones began to re-regulate, my gut healed, and I began to feel “normal” again. About five months ago I began to feel like myself again and this season has been so sweet since I’ve been able to reintroduce things back into my life. I also have a renewed sense of peace and joy in my life that I no longer take for granted!


I wish I could tell you that I found joy in my dark place, but I didn’t. I wish I could tell you that I learned a ton of lessons during that season, but I don’t think they’ve revealed themselves to me yet. Like I said before, sometimes your world gets turned upside down and you are left with a lot of question marks. I don’t know WHY but I do know that I am stronger because of it. 


If you are facing anxiety, I hope my story encourages you to never stop seeking true healing. Everyone has their own unique journey to healing and yours may look very different than mine and that Is OKAY! I hope that my experience encourages you to keep going and take care of yourself. If I learned anything this past year it was that hard times don’t last forever, it’s just a season. Things WILL get better.


If you are facing something else that is hard to wrap your mind around, I hope my story encourages you that you are not alone! It’s okay to not know why. It’s okay to be mad about it. It’s okay to hurt. Just remember that this too shall pass and you WILL get through it and come out on top.

 I’m not sure how to end this post because I’m not sure my story has an ending and yours doesn’t either. Keep going, babe. You got this. <3 




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10 Easy Ways to Practice Self-Care

Hey, friends! Today I want to talk a little bit more about self-care, why it's important, and how to easily implement it into your daily routine! The topic of "self-care" is really popular right now and for good reason, it is so important to take care of yourself! In this age of hustle and bustle and the glorification of "busyness", it's so important to not lose sight on the most important thing, your health. 

From experience, I have learned that I can only love and serve others if I have loved myself first. This is not in a selfish way AT ALL, but it's in a way of treating myself with love and care so that I can love and care for others fully! 

I am naturally a people pleaser and I HATE saying "no" and so that is the hardest part for me in practicing self-care. I also love my people a lot. My family and my friends have my whole heart and when they need me, I will legitimately put my entire life aside to be there for them. I know that this is a good quality, but I have learned that I need to create healthy boundaries around my heart because oftentimes, I will take responsibility for things I shouldn't take responsibility for. I will also take in the emotions of those I love. If a loved one is hurting, I am hurting. It can make for an emotional roller coaster for me and so I have been learning how to love others in a way that is authentic but not debilitating to my emotions. I'm not sure if that makes sense to any of you but this is just something I am currently learning about myself in this season of life and so maybe some of you can relate! 

Anyways, back to self-care... I want make self-care simple. Self-care doesn't have to be an extensive list of to-do's, expensive, or extremely time consuming. Self-care can be 15 minutes of reading your favorite book or a five minute walk around the block. This week I am challenging myself to practice self-care in the form of unplugging. I know how freeing it can be to log-off Instagram or Facebook for a bit and so the week my goal is to "unplug" a couple hours a day. This may not sound like much for many of you, but for someone who works online, this can be life changing! 

I made this list of ways you can practice simple forms of self-care. I hope that it resonates with you and encourages you to spend some moments for yourself each and every day! 




Wellness tip: Drink Water!

When it comes to healthy living, it seems like there are always new fads and trends that are coming out about the next best thing to keep you healthy. Today, I want to keep it simple and talk about the OG of healthy living… WATER. 




We are made of water. Our bodies are 80% water and we are constantly recycling that water by sweating, going to the restroom, and then drinking water to replenish it. Drinking an abundance of water is so crucial to overall health and well-being.


Water affects EVERYTHING. It affects our mood, appetite, energy, digestion, elimination, and detoxification. If we don’t drink enough water we can’t expect our bodies to function properly. Even worse, if we spend prolonged periods of time dehydrated, chronic health conditions can occur which can cause damage to the organs.


I was never a huge water drinker, but over the years I have trained myself to be really intentional about my water intake, especially when traveling, sick, or after a workout. 


I have seen huge improvements in my health since I have been drinking more water. I try to drink 75 ounces of water a day which is about 2 ½ fillings of my 32oz Hydroflask.  When I am hydrated, my head is clear, I feel energized, and my digestion is so much better. 


Some water rituals I live by:

-Drink 16 ounces of water as soon as you wake up in the morning

-Drink 32 ounces of water before any coffee/ tea/ breakfast

-Drink a large glass of water 30 minutes before every meal

-Drink room temperature water. Room temperature water is easier for your body to process since it is closer to your body’s natural temperature. For some people, cold water can give them a stomach ache. 

-Skip the fancy drinks at restaurants and drink…. Take a guess… WATER!

-Try to avoid plastic water bottles at all cost. Plastic water bottles can leak toxic chemicals into the water

Drinking water isn't a quick fix, but it is a lifestyle modification that will truly have a lasting impact on your health! 

Recently, I invested into the Berkey water filter system and I AM OBSSESED! The Berkey filter safely removes all the harmful chemicals and additives in tap water but also replenishing the water with minerals. It’s definitely an investment but if you are a health and water-freak like me, you might want to consider checking it out! 

Okay that’s officially all I know about water! I hope you found this helpful and I challenge you to go drink a big glass of water right now! ;) 

xo, Lo



Kitchari: Ayurvedic Healing Food


While I was in my yoga teacher training last year, we learned extensively about Ayurvedic medicine and how to treat modern ailments with ancient healing remedies. Ayurveda is India's form of medicine and it is actually the oldest form of medicine ever recorded! As a natural health junkie, I couldn't believe that I hadn't learned about Ayurveda sooner. In India, it is still very much a part of their culture and they use Ayurvedic principles to this day to maintain health and wellness. 

One of the healing remedies I learned about was Kitchari. Kitchari is an amazing meal used  in Ayurvedic detoxes which aids in healing digestion issues. The recipe in itself is super simple but the health benefits are huge! Kitchari is known to be super easy on the digestive system so that it gives your system a break to heal and repair. Kitchari is also super high in fiber, iron, and protein and so it cleans out your intestines and removes toxins that may be wreaking havoc on your body.

I love the simplicity of Kitchari: Rice, Mung Dal, and spices. Some of the healing spices used in Kitchari are turmeric, cumin and fennel seed. These spices stir up the digestive system and help aid in inflammation. I feel like so often we caught up in the newest health fad and supplements that we over complicate our health. Ayurvedic philosophy reminds me that it truly is so simple! Show your body love and compassion, eat warm, healing foods, know your body type to feed it accordingly, and you will find balance in all areas of life!

When I decided that I wanted to learn to make Kitchari, I went to the two places I always go: Amazon and Pinterest. ;) I simply followed the Banyan Botanicals Recipe and I ordered the ingredients off of Amazon! I bought a Kitchari spice mix instead of buying all of the spices individually and it made it so much easier! It came out so creamy and delicious and I ate it for my lunches all week last week. 

Ayurvedic Healing Food Kitchari

I would highly recommend making this if you have low energy, digestion problems, irregular bowel movements, or if you simply need an easy and healthy recipe to meal prep! Let me know in the comments if you make this recipe and let me know how you like it! 




Staying safe in the SUN!

Hawaii Travel Tropical Vacation

Hello friends!! I feel like its been awhile since i've written a blog post. I promise to get more consistent! After a few rainy & gloomy months here on Oahu, the sun is FINALLY starting to come out! It seems like going to the beach is all I can think about lately and I never thought I would be THAT kind of person, the beach bum with an extreme addiction to the sun, water, and sand between the toes. But, here I am. 

Even though I am probably the Sun's biggest fan, I am SUPER careful to always practice SAFE-SUN so that I don't get sun damage. You see, skin cancer runs HEAVILY in my family. My mom has gotten skin cancer so many times I can't even count it on one hand. My dear friend died of Melanoma in his twenties. I couldn't believe it. People often talk about breast cancer or lung cancer or prostate cancer but people don't often talk about skin cancer. I'm here to tell you that skin cancer is a BIG DEAL and you want to protect your precious skin from it at all costs! 

Other than cancer itself, the sun can cause irreparable damage to your skin! The sun is the #1 premature ager for skin and can cause sun spots, wrinkles, etc! 

I don't want to be ALLLL negative, though. The sun actually has some pretty amazing benefits too!! Getting sun exposure is actually crucial to your health! Vitamin D is an incredible vitamin that our body NEEDS for immunity, hormone balance, digestion, etc! FULL DISCLOSURE: I believe in the benefits of the sun so much that I'm all about laying in the without sunscreen on for 10-15 minutes to get all the GOOD UV rays on my body. After that, though, I slather on the sunscreen & can enjoy the rest of my time in the sun knowing that I am protecting my skin! 

Here's a couple of my SAFE-SUN tips!!!

1. ALWAYS wear a hat. Please, for the love of everything good, wear a hat!! The skin on our face is much thinner and more sensitive than other places on our body. Another one of my dear friends just had to get surgery on the corner of her EYE because of skin cancer. By wearing a hat (& a good quality SPF on your face) you are not only protecting your skin from cancer, but also from sun spots! 

2. Don't just use spray sunscreen, lotion sunscreen is where it's at! I only purchase high-quality sunscreens with minimal chemicals and healthy benefits for your skin! Most spray sunscreens have many harmful ingredients that you really don't want anywhere near you! Because of that, I normally stick to lotion sunscreens! Not only do they add a thicker layer of protection to your skin but they also have vitamins that go back in your skin to help nourish it even more! This one is my absolute favorite. I also just bought the new Pacifica spray sunscreen from Target! I haven't tried it yet but I am excited about trying a non-toxic spray option! 

3. Re-apply every two hours! I know that sounds so elementary but it is vital. You can't just apply sunscreen once and think you are fine. Reapply every time you get out of the water or as soon as your skin starts to feel "tingly" like it can feel in the sun on it! 

4. Remember that this will ALL be worth it in twenty years. I have to end with this tip because I know so many people who goto tanning booths and just day "oh well, i'll pay for it later I guess". DON'T DO THAT! If someone told you that you could eat a certain way to avoid all types of cancer, would you do it? The same goes with your skin! YOU are in control of how you treat your skin and so treat with with love & kindness & protection! I'm saying all of this with the utmost love because I care about every single person who reads this blog and I don't want you to go through what I have seen some of my loved ones go through. <3 

I hope you love these safe-sun tips! Do you have any others? Comment them down below! I'd love to hear them! :) 


