Nourishing Bone Broth Recipe

Hi friend! Today I wanted to share my go-to method to make bone broth because we have been living off of bone broth this week.

If you haven’t heard, my husband was in a mountain biking accident over the weekend and so he’s been at home resting and recovering all week.

Nursing my husband back to health has been no easy feat but I knew that making this nourishing bone broth was a necessity.

Making your own bone broth is SO much easier than store bought and much more nutritious. I use my bone broth in recipes and soups but mostly just save it for sipping because it is SO GOOD.

Bone broth is also extremely rich in vitamins and minerals. If you deal with any type of chronic health issue, consuming regular amounts of bone broth should be at the top of your wellness protocol.

I gave a loose recipe in this video but my recipe changes week by week depending on what vegetables I have in the fridge. You really can’t go wrong!

Let me know if you start making your own broth and how it turns out! Enjoy!

PS: the video is without sound because Instagram wouldn’t let me download the Reel without sound

My journey into letting go of who I *should* be to blossom into who I am

Good morning, friends!

It’s a beautiful and bright Sunday morning here in WA. I've got my homemade sourdough bread in the oven and i’m currently sipping on a matcha latte and thought I would start writing this post i’ve been thinking about for awhile. The last few weeks have been so joy filled here in WA as we’ve been settling in and making Tacoma home. I’ve spent a lot of time reflecting on why exactly the move and transition has gone so smooth and easy and I think it has a lot to do with the pressure and expectations i’ve taken off of myself.

For the past 3-4 years, i’ve put immense pressure on myself to be a certain way. For some reason I had It in my head that I needed to be this ‘susie homemaker’ type of woman that cooked and cleaned all day and wore an apron, maintained a spotless house and hot dinner on the table when her husband got home. I also put a ton of pressure on myself to be constantly growing my businesses. I never took breaks. I had it in my head that I needed to be able to thrive in business, be a perfect mother, spend time with my friends, take care of my health, and be this ‘perfect’ housewife all at the same time. I didn’t realize for years how this impacted my perception of myself and my self worth. I would constantly complain about never having enough time or enough energy to go all the things i felt that I needed to accomplish in a day. Looking back on it, I realize that It was physically impossible to do EVERYTHING I wanted to accomplish in any given day. I was setting myself up for failure day in and day out and was constantly frustrated with myself.

I want to quickly address that my husband truly had no part in the pressure I was putting on myself. He could care less if he ate frozen pizza every night. I was putting pressure on myself because I was constantly comparing myself to others. In an effort to learn how to be a better ‘wife’, I would observe people around me, books, mentors, etc and I would combine everything they were doing and put the pressure on myself to do all of that and more.

The truth that I was afraid to address in all of this is that being a ‘housewife’ or traditional ‘stay at home mom’ does not come easy to me and it doesn’t necessarily fit in with my personality. I’m not a homebody. I like to be out and about. I am a social butterfly and like to spend time with friends or be around people. Staying home all day ‘tending to the house’ sounds like my worst nightmare when I think about it. My ideal day includes gym classes and coffee dates and working in a public place. For years though, I suppressed who I was for this idea of who I felt I needed to be. I lost myself.

It may seem like a silly thing. but this idea of who I felt I needed to be, took me down a spiral quickly and my mental health really suffered. All of this got so much worse when I had my daughter because I was forced to stay home much more that I was used to. Since I was home with a baby all day, I tried to busy myself with all the tasks I felt like I needed to be doing but I lived in constant chaos. Believe it or not, trying so hard to be the perfect housewife and stay-at-home mom actually made me more disorganized, messy, and dissastisfied. I was also completely overwhelmed and let that paralyze me from moving forward in any area of my life. I was endlessly dissapointed in myself which led to being dissatisfied in pretty much every aspect of my life.

Since I was so dissatisfied in my own circumstances, I began to project that out on others around me. I started projecting my self-hatred and constant comparison onto my husband and became very critical of him as well. I’m so grateful for his immense patience for me during this season while I had to figure out my, excuse my language, shit. haha... Looking back on all of this, it’s so easy to see what was truly going on at the time but as they say, hindsight is 20/20.

the constant comparison I had going on inside my head just further fed a self-hated for myself. to say I was lost is truly an understatement. I was completely oblivious to my problem and how to find a way out of it until I started meeting with a therapist twice a week. in therapy, we went deep. like real deep. slowly but surely, layers of my self-hatred and all the pressures and expectations I had put on myself started to rise to the surface. I realized that I had put myself in a prison and hid the key. I was in a constant state of comparison, measuring my success to others, and running on a hamster wheel which completely depleted me of energy and I never actually got anywhere.

During one particular counseling session, I had a major breakthrough. It was as though the blinders came off and I was finally able to see the prison walls around me. I saw how enslaved I was living in these fears, expectations, and pressures and how they were all completely self-fabricated and not in alignment with my personality. I began asking questions like, ‘why am I trying to act in a way that is not in alignment with my personality? Why am I trying to force myself to be introverted when I am very much extroverted? Why am I so bothered by this person’s success? Why do I feel like there is only one ‘right’ way to do motherhood and i’m always doing it wrong?’ ‘Why do I feel like i’ll never be good enough to meet my own standards?’ These important questions allowed me to view the mental perspective I had been seeing everything in. I learned quickly that this was not the mindset I wanted to live my life in and I began to pivot immediately.

Through lots of prayer, counseling, journaling, and sharing with loved ones, I began to find my footing again. I began to learn who I was again and silenced the nagging voice of who I thought I should be. I began to do things that brought me joy and peace. I took a long break from work, creating content, and ‘being productive’ to simply find myself again. I deleted the Instagram app from my phone many times and took long breaks to spend time in the real world. I let my world get really small and simply focused on my mental health and my family. i’ve learned so much about myself through this season of a lot of hardship and pain. I feel like i’ve shed off my old skin and am growing a new one. Through this journey i’ve really learned who I am and who I am meant to be. And i’m meant to be, simply me.

They say comparison is the thief of joy and that couldn’t be more true. Comparison stole my joy for too many precious days and even years. I’m sharing my story with the hope that it may resonate with someone who is also going through a similar experience. It’s so easy to look at how someone portrays their life online and think that they have it all together. Well, this is me publicly announcing that I definitely don’t have it all together and i’ve gone through some really tough seasons recently. I want this blog and my instagram to be a place where you can come as your true authentic self and get real life stories, experiences, and maybe even some advice or encouragement for your own journey.

& in case you need to hear this today, you are perfect just the way you are. Keep being yourself and shining your own unique light. The world needs YOU to be exactly who you are.


Tart Spirulina Smoothie

Goooood morning, friends! Well I’m not sure when you’re reading this but it is morning time here. I just made the most DELICIOUS green smoothie and had to share. I’m currently in the follicular phase of my cycle and so that means that the most supportive foods during this time are raw, fresh, and light! Give me allllllll the smoothies & salads this week! This smoothie is light yet filling and full of protein! It’s seriously jam-packed with nutrients, antioxidants, & healthy fats. 🙌🏼 Enjoy!!!!

Tart spirulina smoothie

-1 cup blend of frozen fruit (pineapple, peach, mango, strawberries is what I used- I get the Organic Daybreak Blend from Costco!)

- 1/2 banana

-1 cup kale

-1 cup spinach 

-1 tsp spirulina

-1/2 cup nut milk 

-1/2 cup water 

-1tbs unsweetened yogurt (I use The Coconut Cult but you can also use Greek yogurt)

-1tbs almond butter

Blend & enjoy!!!


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Golden Mylk Recipe

Hi friends! I hope you all are having a good start to your week. Just another week of quarantine! For the most part I have been loving this extra simple time at home but I am ready to be able to goto the beach again. I don’t know about you, but i’m definitely feeling the collective stress from all of this coronavirus craziness. As much as i’ve been trying to stay calm and focus on the present, it’s hard knowing that so many people are suffering out there. I’ve been having a harder time falling asleep recently and so I started making this golden mylk every night and it has been helping calm my mind and fall asleep faster! Traditional golden mylk combines milk, turmeric, and ginger to make a soothing milk that is known to boost immunity and ease digestion. I add raw honey, chamomile flowers, and ashwagandha to mine to add even further healing elements. Chamomile is known to be calming to the nervous and ashwagandha is an adaptogen that helps the body in times of stress. Ashwagandha is also known to be a powerful hormone balancer.

I make enough golden mylk at one time to last me about three days. I now look forward to this comforting drink every night! I hope you like it!


3 cups nut milk of choice

1 1/2 tsp ground Turmeric

1 inch ginger root grated

1 Tbs chamomile flowers (or two bags of chamomile tea)

1/2 tsp salt

1 Tbs raw honey

1 tsp Ashwagandha

Dash of cinnamon


  • add all ingredients to a sauce pan and simmer for 15 minutes

  • drain the liquid to remove the spices

  • pour desired amount into a mug and add a dash of cinnamon on top

  • save the rest in the fridge for up to three days

Let me know what you think of it!!!

Let me know what you think of it!!!

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My Supplement Protocol to Boost Immunity

Hello friends! I hope you are all staying sane amidst the craziness that is happening in our world right now! It’s crazy how the Coronavirus outbreak has encouraged everyone to re-think their priorities, their health, their finances, and so much more. I’ve gotten quite a few questions about what i’m doing to boost my immune system during this time and so I thought I would share my supplement routine today with you all.

*DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor! This is what works for me and what I have chosen to take with the research that I’ve done. I’ve been taking this brand of vitamins for over five years now and I really believe in their efficacy.

ALSO: I want to add that my supplement protocol isn’t cheap. I truly believe that it’s a huge investment into my future by taking care of my health now. I spend money on my supplements, my skincare, and my diet. Those three things I am 100% okay investing into and spending my money on. This is truly what I use and love and so I hope this is helpful for you!

Okay so lets start with my daily multi-vitamin… I’ve been taking the Pro Vitality Pack from Neolife for 5+ years now. I took it throughout my pregnancy alongside a prenatal and I don’t miss a day without these! There are four different supplements in this pack for all different purposes but I’ve noticed a huge different in my energy, my immune system, and digestion since taking these! I don’t know all the science behind them but here is some more info…

On top of these four supplements I take daily, I also take the Stress Pack during seasons of stress, either physically or emotionally. The Stress Pack gives a specific dose of vitamins and minerals that your body uses up when under stress. I took these during my postpartum period and i’m taking them during this season of Coronavirus as well.

Lastly, I take a probiotic! I love this one and take it every morning.

Okay… now onto VIRUS PROTECTION!

On top of these supplements, I am doubling up on these four things, VITAMIN C, ZINC, RAW GARLIC, and ELDERBERRY SYRUP! I am taking extra doses of these three supplements daily and if in the case I do start to become ill, I will stop taking Elderberry Syrup and take a double dose of Vitamin C, Zinc, and Garlic.

Both Zinc and Garlic are known virus killers and a high quantity of vitamin C is imperative for a healthy immune system. I also get these three from Neolife (because I trust the brand) and I make my own Elderberry Syrup! If you can’t make your own syrup, I recommend ordering from HERE because there are no additives.

*NOTE ON GARLIC: I’ve tried multiple brands of garlic supplements and this is the only one i’ve found that doesn’t leave you with bad breath or a stomach ache.


That was a lot of info, right?! Don’t get overwhelmed! If the supplement world is totally new for you and you want to try any of these supplements, I would recommend simply starting with the Pro Vitality Pack! This will cover you for all your basic vitamin/supplement needs and it’s clinically proven to build up your immune system by 37% in 30 days. If you have the means to add in any other products, I totally recommend that you do, but if you take anything away from this, I would highly suggest taking Pro Vitality daily.

I hope all of this info was helpful for you! I’ve had my ‘membership’ with Neolife for years now so i’m not sure exactly how it works but I know you can purchase from my link and get full price or you can also sign up for a free membership and get a discount. I believe I get 20% off for being a free member. I do NOT have a business with Neolife, I think I just get referral discounts or something if you purchase through my link! I’m not sponsored by them, I truly just love their company and trust them! There are SO many supplement companies out there right now and this one has earned my trust and so i’ve just stuck with them!

Let me know if you have any questions at all and STAY WELL, my friends!

xo, Lo